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RESEARCH Benchmarks IndicatorsRecord of regular and continuing publication of research in quality publications Publication of books, book chapters, articles and/or papers in learned journals as appropriate to field. In music and creative writing, evidence of activity and recognition as appropriate to the level of applicationEvidence of contribution at an appropriate level in the subject area, membership of professional bodies and /or external esteem Active member of learned societies. Reviewer and/or referee for academic journals. Contribution to academic conferences (presentation of papers) or evidence of exhibiting work at other appropriate events. Evidence of research activity and SupervisionMaintenance of a portfolio of research activity, development of research objectives, projects and proposals and conduct of individual or collaborative research projects. Supervision of student research to completion within a range from undergraduate up to PhD levelEvidence of contribution to securing external funding, as appropriate to the subject area Evidence of ability to identify sources of funding and to contribute to the process of successfully securing funds as appropriate to the field.  TEACHING AND LEARNING Benchmarks Indicators some elements will be more relevant (although not exclusive) to those who are primarily learning and teaching specialists and may not be relevant to all research staff.The indicators noted below should be evidenced by sustained impact and leadership at School level and applicants should be recognised role models within the School. It is also expected that there will be evidence of a developing contribution and reputation at a University level and externally.Evidence of teaching innovation and course development, course design and administration at both under-graduate and post-graduate levelsContribution to departmental initiatives that improve teaching where opportunity exists. Development of teaching materials or methodologies, for example course design or assessment as appropriate to the subject area. Evidence of being module co-ordinator or of contribution to module co-ordination. Responsibility for reviewing his/her own teaching activities, to ensure learning outcomes are effectively achieved, taking account of feedback. Reviewing of course content and materials, and where appropriate developed, designed and updated materials. Being conversant with the use of the VLE and other forms of learning technologies, if appropriate to the subject area. Evidence of pastoral care activities (e.g. personal tutor)Evidence of contributions to the pedagogy of the subject area / professional practiceConference and/or seminar presentations on pedagogy. Evidence of completion of PGCertHE qualification, (or equivalent teaching qualification) or evidence of having achieved Fellowship of the Higher Education Authority (HEA)Scholarship related to learning and teaching Publication of books, articles and/or papers in academic journals as appropriate to field In music and creative writing, evidence of activity and recognition as appropriate to the level of application  WIDER CONTRIBUTION TO THE SCHOOL/COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY AND COMMUNITY Benchmarks Indicators Contribution to School/College administrationUndertake administrative work within the School (e.g. organisation of exams, record maintenance/ management, contribution to Open Days) Contribution to accreditation/QA procedures (if module co-ordinator). Membership of School boards and task groups Contribution to addressing aspects of the student experience. Advising/mentoring colleagues with less experience. Contribution to, and/or support of the Universitys mission to promote equality and diversity and the Welsh language as appropriate. Enhancing the Universitys Profile Evidence of contribution towards third mission activities, or in development of projects with commercial impact, if appropriate to the subject area. Contribution to marketing and publicity events. Contribution to community engagement.      @cgu          o p q ü~~~~u~~~uk^khohExh,5^JhohEx5^Jh(:hEx^Jh(:hEx5^J h)<)\^Jhe CJaJh4he 5CJaJh4he 6CJ]aJh4he CJaJ he \^Jh^h)<)\^Jh^h)<)5CJ^JaJhS'5CJ^JaJh|]U5CJ^JaJh^hEx5CJ^JaJ#      i[[d$IfgdRzkd$$Ifl{8:  t 0:644 la5p yt + d$If`gddgde   q P nR6$ & F s$If^`sa$gdB$ & F s$If^`sa$gdp$d$Ifa$gdpkd$$IflH0{8 ( t0:644 la5ytRq   O P Q ﷦ӕqcRR@#hAB*CJOJQJ^JaJph}1 hohECJOJQJ^JaJhACJOJQJ^JaJ h(:hExCJOJQJ^JaJh(:hEx5^Jh(:hEx^J hohpCJOJQJ^JaJ hohExCJOJQJ^JaJh<CJOJQJ^JaJhbCJOJQJ^JaJhBCJOJQJ^JaJhTCJOJQJ^JaJ hoh SCJOJQJ^JaJP Q ( sWWWWC$ $If^a$gdp$ & F s$If^`sa$gdp$d$Ifa$gdpzkd5$$Ifl0{8 ( t0:644 la5    & ' ( ) * M f ޿ޠqq` hQDhExCJOJQJ^JaJh-[ CJOJQJ^JaJ h55^J hf35^Jh(:hEx5^Jh(:hEx^J h(:hpCJOJQJ^JaJhtPCJOJQJ^JaJ hohKxCJOJQJ^JaJhTCJOJQJ^JaJ hohExCJOJQJ^JaJ hoh SCJOJQJ^JaJ CnR>$ $If^a$gdp$ & F 5$If^`5a$gdp$d$Ifa$gdQDkd$$Ifl0{8 ( t0:644 la5ytp >BCHOS± Р~m\SLLLL hQD5^Jh(:hEx^J h(:hpCJOJQJ^JaJ hoh nCJOJQJ^JaJ hohExCJOJQJ^JaJ hoh)<)CJOJQJ^JaJ hh-[ CJOJQJ^JaJ hQDh<CJOJQJ^JaJh |nCJOJQJ^JaJhTCJOJQJ^JaJ h |nh-[ CJOJQJ^JaJ h |nh |nCJOJQJ^JaJ?p_K$ $If^a$gdG$d$Ifa$gdpzkdM$$Ifl0{8 ( t0:644 la5$ $If^a$gd?@VWXwz±Ӡ{si^TiiJJC hf6^JhohTz6^Jh(:hTz5^JhohTzOJQJhohTz5^JhExOJQJhRhExOJQJh(:hEx^J hhpCJOJQJ^JaJ hhbCJOJQJ^JaJ hhq1CJOJQJ^JaJ hh-[ CJOJQJ^JaJ hh7CJOJQJ^JaJ hhExCJOJQJ^JaJh(:hEx5^Jkd$Y&`#$/IfgdG2zkd$$Ifl0{8 ( t0:644 la5y__$d$Y&`#$/Ifa$gdG2kdi$$IflF::  t 6`Y 0:644 lap ytG2 .@NT.@bc.<=>@cdgjͻٱ~~~xoof]hhRA^Jhh-[ ^JhhTz^J h$^J hZ^JhhZ^JhZh-[ ^JhZhZ^JhZhTz^Jh(:hTz^Jh(:hTz5^JhohTz^JhRA6]^JhohTz6]^JhohTzOJQJhohTz5^J hf6^Jhfhf6^J$xad$Y&`#$/Ifgdkd$$Ifl0F: ( t 6`Y0:644 laytG2c>oII%$ & F=d$Y&`#$/If^=`a$gdZ$d$Y&`#$/Ifa$gdG2vkd$$IflBF:: t 6`Y0:644 laytG2!$%.@ .@IJKķvhvZLh<$CJOJQJ^JaJh-[ CJOJQJ^JaJh EvCJOJQJ^JaJ hoh<$CJOJQJ^JaJh(:h^Jh(:h<$5^JhohTzOJQJh{8hG2^JhohTz^JhbhTzB*^Jph}1hbh-[ ^Jhbhb^JhbhTz^J hTh^JhhTh^JhhTz^Jhh-[ ^J>%J$=d$Y&`#$/If^=a$gd{8%$ & F=d$Y&`#$/If^=`a$gdEA%$ & F=d$Y&`#$/If^=`a$gdG2JKv\; 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